Posts tagged ‘logbook’

Place: Halle
Tanks flown: 2
Time flown: 0h33 (cumulative model timer: 13h38)
Rx battery recharged with: 1505 mAh
Tx battery recharged with: not recharged
Glow heater battery recharged with: 663 mAh
Starter battery recharged with: 262 mAh

Adjusted the throttle curve to get around 1650-1700rpm. Actually only hoover and climb are set experimentally, the other 3 points are mainly guessed.

Place: Home
Tanks flown: 0.2
Time flown: 0h48 (cumulative model timer: 13h05)
Rx battery recharged with: 786 mAh
Tx battery recharged with: 749 mAh (including some sim-hours)
Glow heater battery recharged with: not recharged
Starter battery recharged with: not recharged

Setup the throttle and pitch curves and the rudder/gyro

Place: Halle
Tanks flown: 4
Time flown: 0h54 (cumulative model timer: 12h17)
Rx battery recharged with: 1159 mAh
Tx battery recharged with: 432 mAh
Glow heater battery recharged with: 323 mAh
Starter battery recharged with: 38 mAh

Hoovering in different directions: tail-in, facing left and right, even a short nose-in hoover.

Place: Halle
Tanks flown: 3
Time flown: 0h49 (cumulative model timer: 11h23)
Rx battery recharged with: 1207 mAh
Tx battery recharged with: 571 mAh
Glow heater battery recharged with: 410 mAh
Starter battery recharged with: 96 mAh

First circuit flight and the mandatory getting-overconfident moment: pilot error got the heli in a 90° bank position. Somehow I managed to get it tail-in at full power and avoided a costly crash with approximately 30cm to spare… I forced myself to continue hoovering to rebuild the lost confidence.

Place: Halle
Tanks flown: 2
Time flown: 0h52 (cumulative model timer: 10h34)
Rx battery recharged with: 1278 mAh
Tx battery recharged with: 747 mAh
Glow heater battery recharged with: 404 mAh
Starter battery recharged with: 158 mAh

Stripped off my safety-hoop; first “real” hoover. Wind was fairly calm.

Place: Home
Tanks flown: 0.1
Time flown: 0h14 (cumulative model timer: 9h42)
Rx battery recharged with: not recharged
Tx battery recharged with: not recharged
Glow heater battery recharged with: not recharged
Starter battery recharged with: not recharged

Another short demo-hoover for some curious friends. Tracking is a lot better now.

Place: Halle
Tanks flown: 0.8
Time flown: 0h36 (cumulative model timer: 9h28)
Rx battery recharged with: 1373 mAh
Tx battery recharged with: 760 mAh
Glow heater battery recharged with: 1073 mAh
Starter battery recharged with: N/A mAh

Got my engine fine-tuned by one of the more experienced club members. The ball-links in the rotor-head have a bit of play. Windy.

Place: Home
Tanks flown: 0.8
Time flown: 0h42 (cumulative model timer: 8h52)
Rx battery recharged with: not recharged
Tx battery recharged with: not recharged
Glow heater battery recharged with: not recharged
Starter battery recharged with: not recharged

Took the engine out of the frame. The fan was loose, scraping against the frame. Tightened the fan and re-tuned the engine.

Place: Home
Tanks flown: 0
Time flown: 0h18 (cumulative model timer: 8h10)
Rx battery recharged with: not recharged
Tx battery recharged with: not recharged
Glow heater battery recharged with: not recharged
Starter battery recharged with: not recharged

New starter. Can’t get the engine started; something is generating way too much friction.

Place: Home
Tanks flown: 0.2
Time flown: 0h15 (cumulative model timer: 7h52)
Rx battery recharged with: not recharged
Tx battery recharged with: not recharged
Glow heater battery recharged with: not recharged
Starter battery recharged with: not recharged

Trying to tune the engine. After ~20 seconds of hoover, the rpm suddenly drops a lot. Broke my starter.